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MultiVendor & WP User Frontend

Using Multi Vendor and WP User Frontend the vendor is not able to login to the backend.
To solve using this code:


if( function_exists( 'wpuf' ) && function_exists( 'YITH_Vendors' ) ){

add_action( 'init', 'enable_vendor_admin_access', 20 ); function enable_vendor_admin_access(){

$vendor = yith_get_vendor( 'current', 'user' ); if( $vendor->is_valid() && $vendor->has_limited_access() ){

remove_action( 'admin_init', array(wpuf(), 'block_admin_access') );





Please, copy this code and past it at the end of functions.php file locate in the main root of your theme (wp-content/themes/<YOUR-THEME-FOLDER>)

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