Remove customer email and customer phone from single order page for vendors in Frontend Manager
In order to remove the customer email and phone you can use this code:
add_action( 'wp_enqueue_scripts','yith_wcmv_remove_customer_information_in_vendor_orders',20 );
if( ! function_exists( 'yith_wcmv_remove_customer_information_in_vendor_orders' ) ){
function yith_wcmv_remove_customer_information_in_vendor_orders(){
if( function_exists( 'yith_get_vendor' ) && function_exists( 'YITH_Frontend_Manager' ) && ! empty( YITH_Frontend_Manager()->gui ) && YITH_Frontend_Manager()->gui->is_main_page() ){
$vendor = yith_get_vendor( 'current', 'user' );
if( $vendor->is_valid() ){
$script = "jQuery( '.order_data_column' ).find('.address').find('p').not(':nth-child(1)').remove();";
wc_enqueue_js( $script );
You can add it in functions.php file located in the main root of your theme.