Frontend Manager - Unable to add or remove product attributes and/or variations
Some themes use Bootstrap framework. Bootstrap add some css classes that create conflict with Frontend Manager skin-1 and the user can't manage attributes and/or variations. To solve this issue please use this snippet of code to solve the issue:
add_action( 'wp_enqueue_scripts', 'yith_wcfm_remove_bootstrap', 99 );
if( ! function_exists( 'yith_wcfm_remove_bootstrap' ) ){
function yith_wcfm_remove_bootstrap(){
if( function_exists( 'YITH_Frontend_Manager') && ! empty( YITH_Frontend_Manager()->gui ) && YITH_Frontend_Manager()->gui->is_main_page() && 'skin-1' == get_option( 'yith_wcfm_skin', 'skin-1' ) ){
$bootstrap_handle = 'bootstrap';
wp_deregister_style( $bootstrap_handle );
Please remember to change the value of boostrap handle with the one used in your theme. If you don't know how find this value, please contact the theme author or open a ticket to us with:
- WordPress Admin Credentials
- FTP Credentials
- Website URL
Please, don't forget to attach a copy of your theme to the ticket