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How to withdraw affiliate commissions?

In order to receive the money you have earned, you need to request a withdrawal of your commissions.
Please keep in mind that there is a minimum threshold of 50€ that you need to have earned before you can make a withdrawal request.
How to fill out the request form:
All fields are mandatory, so you will have to fill them all.
From this page, and based on the information you enter, an invoice will automatically be generated. You (affiliate) are the person who is issuing the invoice to us, so the information here is all related to you:
"From - to" select a time range (make sure that you select a date that is before your first commission)
"Payment email" your PayPal email address.
"Invoice number" Fill out your invoice number as you would usually do. (You create an invoice for us, because we owe you the commission).
"Vat Number" Number of your company.

Make sure you submit the request at least 1 day before the 15th of every month when payments will be issued.

Read more about the Terms and Conditions on the link on this page.
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